Brown Babies Project

Brown Babies: The Mischlingskinder Story is a powerful new documentary which tells the story of six so-called “brown babies” born in postwar occupation Germany.

They were born to German women and African-American soldiers. As illegitimate, biracial, bicultural children who were unwanted by enemy nations, their lives were tragic. For the first time Brown Babies: The Mischlingskinder Story reveals this little known remarkable piece of history through the compelling life stories of the children and their birth parents.

Brown Babies: The Mischlingskinder Story (directed by Regina Griffin) won the award for Best Documentary at the 2011 African American Black Film Festival.

Watch the extended trailer of the film here.

Click the following link for more information on the plight of “brown babies” in postwar Germany.

And be sure to visit the Black German Cultural Society, NJ for valuable resources on Afro-Germans.

Thanks to Fredrick Douglas Kakinami Cloyd over at Dream of the Water Children for posting it.